Wednesday 23 January 2019

And I'm still REWINDING ...

As I make my way through the list of things I need to do to ensure the students have a smooth transition into 2019, I keep finding myself going back to look at what I learnt last year (which was an awful lot as it always is when you start a new job). The fact that Manaiakalani have set up a Learning Site that I can access to find answers to my questions is the real example of rewindable learning. This is why it is so important that teachers have their Learning Sites up and running prior to starting the year, enabling their students immediate access to the learning that will be taking place, so they can revisit the lessons, or rewind their learning.

I read with interest Robin Sutton's blog on Rewindable learning and it really rang true for my schooling days. This particular paragraph could have been written about me;

"Do you ever remember a time when someone had just explained something to you, and you walked away thinking 'what was that she just said?' Remember that feeling of inadequacy? That feeling that you missed just about everything the explainer/teacher said? I certainly do, and the wish that I could push the 'rewind' button, that I could just have the 'teacher' run that past me again, in my own time, and at my own speed. That's what we call 'rewindable learning."

I was a conscientious student but sometimes I just didn't understand the task at hand and got confused, yes, and felt inadequate. To be able to access a learning Site and revisit what was taught is invaluable, and something I do all the time now. So, teachers if you need a hand with your learning Site, don't hesitate to ask.

Image result for Rewindable learning

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