Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 3

Create / Hanga - It's all about the hook!

As Kohl says, "Creativity focuses on the process of forming original ideas through exploration and discovery" and so today has seen my creativity be allowed to shine.  My memories as a young child are full of fun times. I barely have any memories of doing reading, writing and arithmetic (as it was then called) but can vividly remember the painting, the chalk drawing, making the fort into a hut, dressing up, dancing and the list goes on, and so, I could totally relate to the 'HeART of the Matter' clips.

Create is a verb, a doing word and so it makes total sense that Maniakalani has used Dewey's quote, and this illustration to show the importance of it in their Learn, Create, Share pedagogy.

Clarelle shared some amazing ideas using multi modal resources that will be useful to empower the 'create' in all of us. 

We were lucky enough to be able to explore the Garden Science link and build a collaborative site on this topic. I found this an amazing resource, but was intrigued to see that the reluctance of our students to work collaboratively obviously comes from how the see the adults in the life collaborating. It was intriguing to me to watch those who chose to get an amazing resource they could use, making a great site, while others went off on their own to produce something of importance to them. Still great practice, but to me an opportunity missed. 

From this session, I take away a clearer understanding of multi model resources and see the utmost importance of create in the effective practice of teaching. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Nicola,
    I agree we need to leap at the opportunities we are given. Not always comfortable but yes, so important! I find collaboration is something we all need to practice - it is worth doing something badly until we get better at it.

    Ngā mihi,


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