Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 7


Learn, Create Share pedagogy, the default is visible, so it is important to ensure all our connectedness is visible.

Clustered through connections in our outreach groups. Principals traveled to Auckland to connect. Now we have made it possible for Facilitators & School Leaders to travel & connect.

Shared language of Learn, Create, Share is very important in this connection and this happens because of Manaiakalani's pedagogy and visibility consistency. This enables us to support our colleagues.

Digital has a lot to offer in our 'time poor' lives

Connectedness through Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu, Online Toolkits, Twitter, Outreach Group sites, Blogs, Class on Air, MIT teachers, Google+ communities - all are very VISIBLE!


CyberSmart ways to use YouTube include making a playlist and embedding videos onto Learning Sites are ways to ensure students are only exposed to what they need to be seeing. We need to remember that children don't watch TV these days. they go onto YouTube so we need to ensure they are using it correctly and smartly. 


Patience is a necessity when experimenting here, probably more so for adults. There are so many wonderful ways to use Google Drawing and this slide has some great examples that could be really useful in a create situation. 


Slides are only supposed to support the presenter, they shouldn't be the star of the show. Keep the format simple and remember blank slides are also empowering. 
Slides enable access to learning, and allow rewindable learning. By putting a weeks learning for a group on a slide, you can provide links, then copy the format of the slide for the next weeks work.
Slides can also be used to allow learners to create animations, story boards, pick-a-paths, 

movies and digital pepeha.

This is a great way to show collaboration amongst learners.

Kent from Point England School came in via Hangout and explained how they see visibility in their community. He explained the need to push the waka out so that the students are proud of their efforts. It is a great way to have the whānau involved by having a live link to the video on YouTube. Drones etc are costly but worth the effort to show the students learning in good quality. Videos can be used to do rewindable learning and are a way to turbo charge.

Today I have come away with a lot of new ideas for delivering the CyberSmart curriculum and making it visible to my learners, the teachers and the whānau. I can see the benefits of using new ideas and how this will empower them in their learning.

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