Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 9


Ubiquitous  means accessible anytime, anywhere, any place. Learning Sites do exactly this. No student needs to miss out as by having your learning visible, every student can access it even when they are not at school. Also for those who need to revisit the lesson, it is visible so it is rewindable.

Being able to access the internet outside of school hours and outside of the classroom empowers the students to want to learn because they are not being disadvantaged. 

We offer our students the Summer Learning Journey, and Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu to keep them connected. Teachers are offered Toolkits, PLG's, Google exams and to participate in Tuhi Mai, Tuhi Atu so as to empower them to be on top of the learning they are setting up for their students.

These 9 weeks have been fabulous to empower me in my role as Facilitator and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with other inspired teachers in the future.

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