Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The times, they are a changing ...

Apologies that my blog posts haven't been happening. I know I'm supposed to lead by example, but I'm human just like you and there are no excuses except that time has moved quicker than I have managed to keep up with.

In the last 7 months, my world has changed in so many ways. I'm ever so grateful to have a reliable car, because I have lost count of the kilometers I have travelled during this time. Connecting with such motivated people, who want to share the Manaiakalani pedagogy with their learners always makes my facilitating in schools so enjoyable. To watch these teachers blossom in their delivery has this amazing flow on effect to their learners, and little did we know that this would be a necessity in 2020. 

I've also learned just how precious family time is. Despite it being an eight hour trip each way to see my father, we had some very precious times together in the last weeks of his life. While I miss him terribly, I am so eternally grateful that he passed before Covid-19 became the new norm, because we would not have been able to have those special times together.

Ah yes, Covid-19 has certainly turned the world as we knew it, upside down. As a vunerable couple, my husband and I have taken the lockdown very seriously. I was however happily amused to receive a call from my three children (all in their 20's) to say they were coming home to be in our 'family bubble'. While all families have their moments, so far (okay, it's only been a week) we have had some real bonding moments and I can feel the pressures of everyday life lifting, as we learn to enjoy a more relaxed time and share some quality family bonding. I'm still working online from home and my three daughters are also onine with school & uni, so there have been some wifi sharing moments that have been a little difficult, however they've been the perfect opportunity to make a family timetable. We take turns to choose a family movie at night and that has been interesting, but we're learning respect as we all share our different interests. Luckily the weather has been fantastic, so we've been exercising around our little village where even the beach is within the two kilometer limit. Little jobs are getting done around the house, and when I relax after my day's work, I'm liking what we are becoming.

I thought I'd share a poem that I wrote to sum up life over the last week, and while I won't promise, I'll try to blog more often, cos there is so much new learning happening in my life...

On Tuesday 24th March Covid-19 lockdown started
The kids arrived home, no longer wanting to be parted.
The house quickly filledwith 6 people and 2 cats
And yes you guessed it, on day 1 they had a spat!
Under the kitchen went the kitten called Venus, 
Taking the cupboards apart was really quite henus.
But, family bonding, laughter and love
Brought us together like a hand in a glove.
Day 2 was uneventful, thank goodness I thought.
But Day 3 sent us a challenge of the medical sort.
It's amazing how a community comes together under stress
And the required medications arrived at our address.
Day 4 & 5 saw lots of family fun
Bike rides, walking, board games and a run.
Down to the beach (it's only 2 k's)
Marshmellows on a fire and a rig caught by Craig.
Then Day 6 came and all was sound
3 of us working and 3 pottering around.
The deck got varnished and the trees got pruned
Time fow a walk I said, feeling marooned.
Suddenly the silence was broken by the phone
Bad news came through and I could only groan!
A nosy kereru, in our cherry tree
Decided inside was where it wanted to be
At the window it flew shattering glass all through
Of course we're in lockdown, so what do you do?
A board replaced the window, the view no longer there
The kids decorated it using their creative flair.
The scariest part is that we're still in week 1
With 3 weeks to go, I'm thinking Hmmm, this could be fun!

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