Monday 21 January 2019

Rewindable Learning ...

Today's been a 'rewindable' day for me. Last year I was on a huge learning journey of using Explain Everything on the iPad. I was just getting a bit creative when the year ended, and I confess that the holidays were exactly that - a holiday!! So, meeting up with two of the teachers I will be working on iPads with this year, brought me back to reality

I was able to answer their questions and point them in the right directions, but I left with a list of things to do to get me back up to scratch. I came home feeling so mentally tired.

So, I grabbed a coffee, took a walk around the garden (and visited the new additions to our yard - 4 lovely lambs), felt revived and got back into it, surprising even myself.

                 It reminded me of this Banksy quote ...  

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