Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 6: Let's google Google ...

To be empowered is an essential element of the Manaiakalani pedagogy. All learners and teachers need to be empowered and it is essential to recognise  that technology is not just a tool, it is something that should be transforming our learners lives.


Using Google Forms are an excellent way of collecting data as it automatically links to a spreadsheet so can be analysed. You are able to analyse individual or group responses and then present them on a spreadsheet so they can be discussed.

Google Sheets is a fantastic tool but it does need to be set up correctly for it to display the information you put into  it. There are many shortcuts that were shared with us today and these alone will make our production of Google Sheets so much quicker.

Google MyMaps is an app that I have  not explored prior to today. I can see how beneficial it will be with so many of my classes who have been asking how they can get their students to do some mapping of their community. It will also allow students to map their journey and all of these activities can be embedded on a student's blog.

I found this session very practical. It was great to see everyone using their sources of data to make use of these Google Suite tools. I really enjoyed being a part of conversations with teachers about how they could use these tools in their classroom and everyone seemed to appreciate the facilitators assistance with their ideas.


  1. I agree Nicola, today we very practical and taught us a lot. It was very interesting learning more about sheets and how we could use it. It will be interesting to see how we can use this to transform what we are doing in class.

    1. Too true Rianna. i can't wait to share some of these ideas at Paroa School.


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